Membership Form

Why join?  To coin an old phrase - Rangitikei needs you! In return we offer networking, consultation, collegial support and importantly ACTION, to make our region good for business which will make it good for the communities who live here. 

As an introductory offer for members we have set the membership fee at a reasonable $50  - this will take all members through to 30 March, 2025.

If you wish to become a member, please complete the form below and hit SUBMIT.

Membership Form

Credit/Debit Card Payment

You will be redirected to our secure payment page powered by Stripe to complete your transaction.

Pay with Card via Stripe

Internet Banking Details

Please pay $50 to the following account:

  • Account Name: Business Rangitikei Incorporated
  • Bank: ANZ
  • Account Number: 06-0793-0885215-00
  • Reference: [Your Business Name]

Note: This doesn't process your payment. Please ensure you've made the transfer via your bank before submitting.